Friday Favorite: Vain (The Seven Deadly #1) by Fisher Amelie


This Friday at Typical Distractions we are sharing one of our ALL TIME favorite books.  Seriously, we have both read this book so many times it is embarrassing.

Vain by Fisher Amelie is everything Tina and I adore.  International setting (and it’s Africa, where we both have spent time and adore), restoration, hope, boys with accents, and African kids (who we love). This book is crazy amazing.  It holds a special place in my heart because my degree in college had an emphasis on the use of child soldiers in war, particularly in East Africa.  I literally wept through this book.  Sophie is such a terrible person, but gosh by the end, I absolutely adored her.  This story feels so beyond real and it is just so full of hope.  Then there is Ian.  Bless my soul, that boy is a real treat.  He’s South African, strong, passionate, and really just perfect.  I’ve been to South Africa and I did not find anyone like him there…probably because he is with Sophie in Uganda.

Your heart will break for Sophie, Ian, and the kids in Fisher’s book.  Once you read it, you’ll want to do something.  Fisher provides information for an organization in the back that aids children in war torn areas.  If you know nothing about the issue of child soldiers besides what you’ve seen surrounding the news, I encourage you to do so research.  Learn about the issue, the affects, and ways you can help. There are plenty of them!  If you need some ideas, we’d love to talk to you!  We have friends all over who are working to change to world, who would love your help.


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