REVIEW: Chasing River (Burying Water #3) by K.A. Tucker

chasing riverChasing River
Burying Water #3
K.A. Tucker
Genre: Romance, Suspense
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Armed with two years’ worth of savings and the need to experience life outside the bubble of her Oregon small town, twenty-five-year old Amber Welles is prepared for anything. Except dying in Dublin. Had it not been for the bravery of a stranger, she might have. But he takes off before she has the chance to offer her gratitude.

Twenty-four-year-old River Delaney is rattled. No one was supposed to get hurt. But then that American tourist showed up. He couldn’t let her die, but he also couldn’t risk being identified at the scene—so, he ran. Back to his everyday life of running his family’s pub. Only, everyday life is getting more and more complicated, thanks to his brother, Aengus, and his criminal associations. When the American girl tracks River down, he quickly realizes how much he likes her, how wrong she is for him. And how dangerous it is to have her around. Chasing her off would be the smart move.

Maybe it’s because he saved her life, or maybe it’s because he’s completely different from everything she’s left behind, but Amber finds herself chasing after River Delaney. Amber isn’t the kind of girl to chase after anyone.

And River isn’t the kind of guy she’d want to catch.

tina's thoughtsChasing River is hands down my favorite book in the Burying Water series. KA Tucker takes us into a world that is equals lets exciting, fresh, and sexy. There are so many reasons why this books is so great. First off the location of this story. Chasing River takes place in Ireland, at the heart of a city so full of culture and history. I loved the history that bleeds through this story. There are so many new things to learn, an added bonus that gives a certain level of credibility to this book.

Second, I absolutely adore River and Amber. These two characters are fabulous. They both are so well developed and different but they click perfectly. Amber has been a secondary character in this series and it was great to learn more about who she is as an individual and what she wanted to experience out of life. As anyone who has been lured by wanderlust or the chance to escape and find yourself, you cannot help but admire who Amber is. She is innocence and strength- a woman who understands so much but longs to learn more. She is challenged in this story and I loved watching her work though her emotions and preconceived notions. It is powerful to watch her choose her path. River is the beautiful Irishman that makes your heart melt. Their first encounter is untraditional to say the least but these two are drawn to each other. When we learn more of who he is and where he comes from, he becomes more beautiful and fascinating. He is a complex character who cannot be put into a box. River is a family man and a hard worker the world has judged him based on this past and it was nice to see him break out of that stereotype and prove his worth in both word and action.

The story has several themes that caught my attention. Family is a huge theme for both River and Amber. They both interact constantly with those they love. It is a foundation for both characters, one that has shaped who they are and allows the reader to better understand who they are. I loved the romance between these two. There is a connection that they cannot ignore but watching them come to terms with this emotion and what it means is well written and evokes a response from the reader.

Another major theme is the history of Ireland. This story was a beautiful love story but the added history creates an edge to the book. I love learning the history of this country in a story that draws you in. When I visit Ireland one day, I feel like I will remember this story, the glimpses into the history and culture not always readily shared, and bask in the beauty around me. Chasing River is a wonderful story that will hit you in all the right places and leave you wanting to explore the world.