Waiting on Wednesday: LETTERS WRITTEN IN WHITE by Kathryn Perez

New WoW“Waiting on” Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. This week I am excited about the upcoming release of Letters Written in White by Kathryn Perez!

Letters Written in WhiteWhen I saw this cover floating around social media, I was intrigued. When I read the synopsis and author note, I was hooked! I cannot wait to read this book and see what happens! Letters Written in White is LIVE on November 30, 2015. You can pre-order on Amazon and see what people are saying about the book on Goodreads!

Untitled design (3)What’s worse, living when you want to die or dying while you’re fighting to live?

I’m dead.

I’m cold and alone and I’m dead. There’s no air in my lungs. My chest is as cold and hollow as a cave on a snowcapped mountain side. My heart no longer beats there.

Frigid winds whistle through my ribs and the sadness inside me weeps like my favorite tree.

Days ago, I met with death face to face.
The mirror, our meeting place. My two darkened green eyes stared deeply into hers.
I tilted my head to the side. She did too.
“It’s time,” I whispered. “It’s time,” she whispered.

And with that I turned away from her, the woman in the mirror who knew all of my secrets and all of my pain. I walked away from her and yet we’d never been closer than we were in that moment.
The inner struggle was over.
No more arguing with the woman in the mirror.
No more arguing with myself.
The choice was made.
She was the victor. Or was I?

That was the day Riah Winter died.

note from the authorDear Readers,

This isn’t a romance novel written to sweep you off of your feet, nor is it a sexually infused fantasy laced with alpha males and six pack abs. You won’t find anything within the pages of this story comforting, at least not on the surface. Matter of fact, you’ll most likely feel uncomfortable during many of the scenes. But I will promise you this, once you delve beneath the surface, you’ll find comfort in many areas of Riah Winter’s layers of life and death. You may even find that you aren’t alone in your daily struggles as a mother, wife, single mom, stay at home mother, working mom or as a woman.

Riah Winter is YOU, YOU are Riah Winter. Beneath the mask we as women wear, is a person we rarely talk about or acknowledge. I’ve decided to bring her to life and say all of the dark and socially unacceptable things so many of us feel, go through, and fear.

We’re all wearing masks and we’re all drowning in something.

Riah has a message for us…she wants us not only to survive but to thrive because she knows what it feels like to die with regret.

I hope you’ll take a chance on a story that’s different from what you’re accustomed to reading. I look forward to sharing it with you.


*Please be advised that this a 43K word book that may contain content which could possibly be triggering for some.*