Friday Favorites: The Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth Hunter

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Tressa at Tressa’s Wishful Endings hosts Friday Favorites and we thrilled to join her.  You can check out her Friday Favorite here.

Today our favorite is The Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth Hunter.


I enjoy Elizabeth’s writing immensely. I have read every book she has written and loved them all. Today I am going to highlight The Scribe, the first book in her newest series. There is something about the ancient races and good versus evil that draws me in and transports me far away. There are so many things to love about this book. The locations are wonderful. I was ready to jump on a plane to Istanbul and explore the culture rich in  history. Ava is a woman who hears the whispering “voices” of every person around her, a state of being that she has functioned in her entire life. She is a woman on the move who travels from place to place, learning the culture and language and photographing the world as she sees it, hoping to one day have relief and answers to what has plagued her life. Enter in Malachi, the mysterious protector, bringing up more questions than answers, till they can no longer survive without each other. They are thrust into a world of ancient battles and prophecies. They must learn to trust each other and realize the hope that is found within the each other. This book develops a landscape that will draw you in and create a world that the reader can get lost in. I cannot wait for the next book , The Singer (Irin Chronicles #2). If you haven’t read this book, go buy a copy today and enjoy this story this weekend. You will not be disappointed!

Look below for the Goodreads Synopsis and a littler teaser for you! 


Hidden at the crossroads of the world, an ancient race battles to protect humanity, even as it dies from within.

Ava Matheson came to Istanbul looking for answers, but others came looking for her. A reckless warrior guards her steps, but will Malachi’s own past blind him to the truth of who Ava might be? While ancient forces gather around them, both Ava and Malachi search for answers.

Whispering voices. Deadly touch. Their passion should be impossible… or it could be the only thing that will keep them alive.



She stopped. Turned. And pointed a gun at his chest.

“Why don’t you stop lying now, Malachi?” she asked softly, her voice chilling him to the bone. “And start telling me the truth about your ‘organization’ and who really hired you?”

Slowly, he brought his hands together in front of his body, subtly tracing the talesm prim on his wrist. The old spells took hold, covering him with magic. “I can explain.”

“Good. Start talking.”

“Please put the gun down.” He was more concerned about her injuring herself or some random hiker than he was himself. “Ava, please put the gun-“

“You are not ordering me around, Malachi.” her hands didn’t tremble on the weapon. She stood in a ready stance, obviously well acquainted with the weapon. “You’re not being honest with me. I can tell when you’re lying.”

“Really?” he stepped closer. “And how to you know that, Ava?”

“I just do.” Her eyes were cold. Nothing remained of the teasing, friendly woman he’d come to know.

“Ava, please,” he repeated her name softly. “Put the gun down. Do you really think I would hurt you?”

For the first time all day, he saw her expression crack. “I don’t know what to think.”


So much more I want to share but I don’t want to give too much away! Go out and get this book today! You can purchase it from Amazon here.