Blog Tour, Review, and Giveaway: SIDESWIPED (Off the Map #2) by Lia Riley

I am beyond excited to help host the SIDESWIPED Blog Tour, featuring the second installment of Lia Riley’s New Adult series, Off the Map. This book blew me away and left me begging for the third book! You will not want to miss out on this book and series! Below there is more about the book, teasers, Tina’s Thoughts and a giveaway for your chance to win some awesome prizes!

Title: Sideswipe
Author: Lia Riley
Series: Off the Map #2
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: October 7th, 2014

It was only meant to last the summer . . .

Talia Stolfi has seen more than her share of loss in her twenty-one years. But then fate brought her Bran Lockhart, and her dark world was suddenly and spectacularly illuminated. So if being with Bran means leaving her colorless NorCal life for rugged and wild Australia, then that’s what she’ll do. But as much as Talia longs to give herself over completely to a new beginning, the fears of her past are still lurking in the shadows.

Bran Lockhart knows that living without the beautiful girl who stole his heart will be torment, so he’ll take whatever time with her he can. But even though she has packed up her life in California and is back in his arms for the time being, she can’t stay forever. And the remaining time they have together is ticking by way too fast. Though fate seems determined to tear them apart, they won’t give up without a fight—because while time may have limits, their love is infinite . . .

Teaser 4 (2)
You can purchase your copy today and the retailers listed below…
Tina's Thoughts... A review for you
 Lia Riley has done it again. This second installment in the Off the Map series gives us what we want and leaves us begging for more. At the end of UPSIDE DOWN, Talia and Bran reconcile and decide to give the connection between them a fair chance to grow. At the beginning of SIDESWIPED, Talia is moving back to finish up her schooling and start a new life with Bran in Tasmania. As it is with everything Talia and Bran face, it is not easy. The honeymoon phase doesn’t last long enough and they are faced with real decisions and struggles that are unique to their lives and situations. When you bring two broken people together in a relationship, there are bound to be issues and heartache along the way. This book delivers an emotional storyline that will leave you begging for more (in a very good way).

Talia and Bran are a couple of well written and complicated characters. Their personalities are big, they are flawed, emotional and authentic. Talia is such a complex woman. She wants to move on with her life, but her past has had such a strong grip on her mind. She struggles daily with her fear and mental issues and wants nothing more than to be free from the pain and blame of what happened to her sister. She wants to start over in a fresh and real way. This story shows you the way in which she embraces the freedom she desires and how Bran is a key component to her healing. She grows even more in this story, facing her demons head on, because she wants to live in the freedom on the other side. Bran knows her secrets; he knows her pain. He is able to pull her out of the recesses of her mind and help her embrace life completely. Bran is a passionate and somewhat volatile character. He is not violent with Talia but his emotions are explosive. He feels so much and when he denies those emotions for weeks on end, they come bursting forth when an difficult issues arise. Two broken people on the path of healing from their lives and past is a potential recipe for disaster and heartache. Talia and Bran bring out the good and the frustrating in each other. They embrace what they have but never stop looking for more in life together.

This book is an incredible emotional roller coaster. Lia demands a response from the reader and you have no choice but to feel what they feel and walk through their relationship together. Throughout this book, we learn more about Bran and Talia, causing us to become even more invested in their lives. You want to see their relationship work, but two such different people are bound to clash and that is what happens. Their passion is hot. They are seemingly opposites in every way, yet they are perfect for each other, the compliment and sanity the other desperately needs. They have dreams and passions that burn bright in the minds, ones which allow them to embrace who they are and who they want to become. Talia has grown so much and I loved watching her make tough decisions and open her heart to Bran.

I don’t want to give anything specific away, but this book will leave your breathless and wanting more! If you haven’t read this series, then grab your copy of UPSIDE DOWN and dive in today! You will love Talia and fall for Bran, both laughing and shaking your head at their passionate personalities!  They are an incredibly flawed couple that you cannot ignore! They will draw you into their story and never let you go. The second installment in the OFF THE MAP series is a full of emotional twists and turns. It is hot, sweet, passionate and real. It gives you everything you want and leaves you ready for more! I cannot wait to read the third book of this series and see what Lia has in store for Talia and Bran!



Want to win a free ebook from Lia Riley and the Off the Map series? Make sure to enter this Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win a copy of UPSIDE DOWN, the story where is all began! Enter this giveaway today and good luck!


Lia Riley writes offbeat New Adult Romance. After studying at the University of Montana-Missoula, she scoured the world armed only with a backpack, overconfidence and a terrible sense of direction. She counts shooting vodka with a Ukranian mechanic in Antarctica, sipping yerba mate with gauchos in Chile and swilling XXXX with stationhands in Outback Australia among her accomplishments. When not torturing heroes (because c’mon, who doesn’t love a good tortured hero?), Lia herds unruly chickens, camps, beach combs, daydreams about as-of-yet unwritten books, wades through a mile-high TBR pile and schemes yet another trip. She and her family live in Northern California.

For more about Lia and what she is up to, check out her social media sites… 

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