Review: BAIT (The Wake Series #1) by M. Mabie

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Bait (The Wake Series #1)
Author: M. Mabie
Release Date: October 2014
Genre: Adult Romance

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He was trouble from the start, but I couldn’t resist.
She was the best kind of trouble. The kind that was so wrong, it felt right.

I’ve tried and failed to stay away from him.
I’ve done everything in my power to make her mine and keep her.

He’s almost impossible to say no to.
She never tells me yes.

We’re always fighting.
When we’re not fighting, we’re… well… making up.

He makes me laugh so hard.
I miss her laugh the most.

I’m a liar.
She knows the truth, but won’t admit it.

Sometimes, I wish I’d never met him.
I wish we could meet all over again. I’d do better.

His sweet girlfriend knows.
The guy she’s with is a fool.

I’ll never love anyone like I love him.
She doesn’t love me enough to choose us.

It was the wrong place.
It was the wrong time.

It should have been him.
It will always be her.

Tina's Thoughts... A review for you

BAIT. Where do I even begin? I was not sure to what to expect and I am still a bundle of confusion and emotions. BAIT is the story of Blake and Casey. They meet at Blake’s best friend Micah’s graduation party and proceed to have a one night stand. After an incredible night together, Blake admits to having a boyfriend and they decide to be friends. However being friends is the last thing they are truly capable of and they enter into a dangerous relationship that pulls and tugs at both parties, leaving an emotional wake behind them.

I still don’t know exactly how I feel about this book. There is one main theme I did not like, but that is a purely personal opinion as opposed to real writing issues. I don’t like cheaters. The theme is a constant in this story so that made me more frustrated about the interactions between all the main characters. Once I dealt with that issue in my head, I was able to hesitantly proceed. I have never read a heroine that I was so confused about and disliked so much. Her personality and character was so frustrating. She was so well written (albiet a somewhat terrible person for what she was doing and annoying for being so wishy washy) and I could not help but go up and down with her continued whirlwind of emotions while wanting to slap some sense into her. She is so indecisive, ridiculous, and confusing. Yet she is completely who she is. She has such an internal battle and continues to make the wrong choice. Mabie writes a character that is so different from ones I have read before. I hated her but I could not stop reading. I had to see what the redeeming quality and relationship of the story would be.

Mabie does an incredible job of evoking emotions about Blake and Casey. The emotions are raw and strong. One moment you feel bad for her and then the next you are shaking your head in absolute frustration. Blake makes things so much more difficult for herself and those around her. Her relationship with Casey is the best example. Their chemistry is ridiculously hot and undeniable. Casey, the poor guy, cannot seem to win in most situations, yet he gives her what she requires because he is in so deep. Their affair is twisted, going back and forth between what they want and what they have, never really taking the steps to make it a reality of what could be. I would yell at Casey for giving in and at Blake for leaving Grant to meet him. It was frustrating, something that could have been set right with communication and honesty.

The book and story is one emotional roller coaster that you need to prepare yourself for. I did not know what to expect and was blindsided by all the organized chaos and feelings. Mabie does an incredible job of creating so much emotion that it literally takes you and squeezes the crap out of you. That being said, you will be annoyed, frustrated, and angry by the events and how they play out. When you finally feel like it will all turn around, an errant thought or confusing word causes Blake to nose dive and cause more of a tangled web. This book is not for the faint of heart. It will make you angry and you will hate Blake but I could not put it down. I read it so fast and I was determined to see the redeeming qualities of Blake and Casey and their relationship. So be prepared. This story is not everyone’s cup of tea but it was well written and I plan to read the second book, to see where Mabie takes Blake and Casey.

(Be forewarned that this books ends in a very frustrating cliffhanger.) 


M. Mabie is the author of the best-selling in humorous fiction book, Fade In.

You can check out her social media sites for more about M. Mabie and what she is up to. She would love to hear from you! You can contact her with the email listed below!

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