Cover Reveal: Saving Jay (Breaking Free #3) by E.M. Abel

Happy Tuesday! It is a beautiful day for a cover reveal and I’ve got just what you need! I am excited to help reveal the new cover for Saving Jay, the third installment in the Breaking Free Series by E.M. Abel. And what makes this even better? E.M. took the picture for this cover! How great is that? The model is the handsome Casey West! Now prepare to feast your eyes! I give you the cover of Saving Jay!croppedcover



My life was a dark and desolate place. Consumed by work and full of regret, loneliness had become my closest friend. Ink and a tattoo machine were my therapy, a way to claim my own skin with the art that I loved.
The day I walked into her shop, I knew I’d found what I needed.
The light I’d been looking for.


When I first looked into those blue eyes I saw a depth behind them that I wanted to explore. Jason “Jay” Clarke was more than a perfectly pressed suit and dimpled smile. He was a man with a heart of gold drowning in the weight of his world.
He wanted me to mark him.
I never expected him to soothe my aching heart.


When our worlds collide and Jay begins to fall apart,
Will my love be enough to save him?

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Saving Jay will be released into the wild on February 10, 2015! Make sure to mark your calendars and add it to your TBR pile on Goodreads (link is above).

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saving jay

Untitled design.jpg-2 Want to know more about the Breaking Free Series? Check out more about the books listed below! Don’t miss out on this incredible series!

Freeing Asia (Breaking Free Book 1) 

Breaking Shaun (Breaking Free Book 2)

freeing asia     breaking shaun

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a6ab9b74f2dd0a8c091169.L._V349798334_E.M. Abel has been writing for as long as she can remember. Keeping journals, documenting her life and feelings, gave her an escape and a means to express herself. In 2013 she finally decided to take a chance and publish her debut novel, Freeing Asia, and she hasn’t looked back since. Her writing style has been described as “real” and “unapologetic”. She enjoys pulling her readers through an entire gamut of emotions– happiness, fear, sadness, humor, etc. She is determined to stay true to her voice and only publish books she loves. Her stories give her an outlet, a way to show the world who she is, and she refuses to settle for anything less.
For more about E.M. Check out her social media sites!