Review: Finding Laila by TK Rapp

finding lailaFinding Laila
TK Rapp
Genre: Young Adult
Release Date: January 13, 2015

Joey, Cole, Haden and Braxton have been a constant in my life since I was five, and I have loved being one of the guys.

I’ve been cheerleader.

I’ve been study partner.

I’ve been listener.

When we’re young, we don’t realize the profound impact certain people will have on our lives. I had no idea twelve years ago I’d meet four boys who would turn out to be my best friends, my soul mates – my barmy.

Now school is almost done, our last summer together is drawing closer, and I’m trying to hold on to what we have while I still can. After this we’ll have to say goodbye to each other, as our choices will take our lives in different directions. But I don’t know if our friendship can survive once secrets and surprises begin revealing themselves to us at every turn.

When it’s all said and done, will our friendships remain unbreakable? Or will our once strong bond prove to be weaker than we anticipated?

Letting go is harder than I thought, but some changes are necessary.

And finding Laila…finding myself…may be the greatest journey of all.

Untitled design (3)You can purchase your copy today at Amazon or Barnes & Noble!

Untitled design (3)

Tina's Thoughts... A review for youFinding Laila is about a seventeen year old girl, living her life, and this story follows her heartfelt journey as she begins to find out who her individual identity is and what the future holds for her. She is surrounded by an incredible barmy of boys: Braxton, Cole, Joey, and Haden. Each boy holds a special place in her heart, a deep kinship that has bonded them for 12+ years. This story follows the ups and downs of their senior year of high school into their college/post graduations careers.

Have you ever read a book and sat in a moment of stunned silence when you finish the book and thought to yourself “This is a perfect representation of what the genre should be like”? Well I whole heartedly believe that Finding Laila by TK Rapp is a perfect representation of Young Adult fiction. It is the wonderful story of a young woman who is transitioning from one phase of life to another: a girl who is becoming a woman. There is a well written ebb and flow of teenage angst that is perfect for the story. It develops what each character goes through and adds character to this story. It is never unnecessary or overwhelming. It allows for drama to naturally occur and growth of characters and relationships to take place.

The characters within this story are incredible. We see a group of best friends that has been constant in Laila’s life through thick and thin since she first moved to town. It has been over a decade and life has been better because of their deep relationships. Finding Laila is an authentic story of life for a young girl. She deals with bullies, classes, boys, the future, and finding her identity outside of her family and friends. This book touches on so many different social issues yet never overwhelms the reader with forcing an opinion or preaching of what should be. It is the perfect account of what a seventeen year old would deal with today.

I felt the emotions from each situation and character leap off the page and into my heart. You feel excited for Braxton when he wins the game. You smirk at Cole and his lady wooing ways. You want to hug Joey for being so amazing and watch Haden draw a masterpiece. Then there is this one part. If you have read it then you know what I mean… If not, when you read it you will know. I felt like I was running and headed face first into a closed glass door, falling flat on my ass. It was unexpected, shocking and knocked me down hard. Wow. Point is, you feel when you read this book and that is what pushes it into the incredible category.

This is my first book by TK Rapp and it will most certainly not be the last. She has a way with words and situations that reveals a truth filled with authenticity! Finding Laila is a book that you will not want to miss.

finding laila