New Release + Excerpt + Giveaway: KING OF HEARTS (Hearts #3) L.H. Cosway

King of Hearts Release DateHappy Release Day to L.H. Cosway and happy book birthday to her new book King of Hearts! The King of Hearts release week event begins tomorrow. Be on the lookout for what the blogs have to say about Oliver King’s story! Take a sneak peek into the book below and make sure to enter the giveaway! Good luck!  I loved this story and cannot wait for the world to fall in love with King and Alexis! 

king of hearts

King of Hearts
Hearts #3
L.H. Cosway
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 16, 2015

Welcome to the City, London’s most prestigious square mile, where finance reigns and Oliver King is a rising prince. 

I used to rule the world.

There might be wolves on Wall Street, but there were crocodiles in Canary Wharf. Some of us craved money. Some of us craved power.

I liked money, and power had its advantages, but what I really wanted was to excel, to surpass the men who came before me. I never cared much for love and romance until I met Alexis.

I could feel it the very moment she walked into the interview, with her outspoken charm and vivacious personality. She cast all the others in shadow, made me laugh when life held no humour. Our friendship should have remained professional, but it wasn’t long before the lines started to blur.

You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well, I never foresaw where my plans would lead, and only in my darkest hour did I finally see the light…

You can have all the money and prestige in the world and still be the poorest man alive. And love, well, I hate to use a tired old cliché, but love can be the thing that truly sets you free.

Untitled design (3)You can purchase your copy of King of Hearts at the retailers listed below!

Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | iTunes | Smashwords


What he said made me curious, so I went on, “What do you do to deal with the stress?”

He gave me a wan smile, and there was something in his expression that struck me as sad somehow. Rubbing at his chin, he answered, “Hmmm, when I’m stressed out…a nice glass of top shelf whiskey usually does the trick.”

“That makes sense,” I said and walked around his desk before taking a seat in front of him. “You know, I always thought it was poor people who did drugs, to escape the bleakness of their realities. Now I’m thinking maybe the practice is most common at the top and the bottom of the ladder. Perhaps the best place to be is somewhere in the middle.”

“Not necessarily. I’m at the top. Do I look high to you?”

The deadpan way in which he said it made me laugh. I leaned forward and teased, “I’m not sure. Let me have a look at your pupils.” Surprising me, King rose from his seat, walked around his desk and came to kneel in front of me. Before I knew it his face was mere inches from mine.

“Go ahead,” he said, voice low.

Whoa, Oliver King’s face right up close…I wasn’t sure what to do with that. I guess he didn’t realise the effect he had on this very non-gay lady, because he seemed entirely unselfconscious. His eyes were beautiful, his lashes long and golden, his skin smooth with a hint of stubble around his jaw, and his lips were just…I had no words. Sculpted and masculine was probably the only way I could think to describe them.

I realised I was staring at those lips a little too closely when my eyes flicked back to his. A moment ago he was smiling, but now that smile was transforming into a thoughtful frown.

I cleared my throat. “Your pupils look fine.”

King exhaled a small breath and I watched as his attention went from my eyes to my cheeks, nose, chin, and then finally to my lips. He looked like he was about to say something when suddenly Gillian’s voice filled the room.

“Mr King, Jenson Gellar is on the phone. Shall I put him through?”


Hearts SeriesWant to read more about the Heart series? Check out the first two books in the series today!

Six of Hearts (Hearts #1)

Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo Smashwords | iTunes

Hearts of Fire (Hearts #2)

Amazon | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo | iTunes


To celebrate the new release of King of Hearts, L.H. Cosway is hosting an awesome giveaway! For you chance to win the  prize pack which includes: a Signed King of Hearts paperback, a King of Hearts tote bag, a King of Hearts key ring, and L.H. Cosway swag (open international) then make sure to enter this GIVEAWAY! Just follow the instructions listed to be entered for your chance to win. Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity! Good luck!KoHgiveaway

about the author

authorpic1L.H. Cosway has a BA in English Literature and Greek and Roman Civilisation, and an MA in Postcolonial Literature. She lives in Dublin city. Her inspiration to write comes from music. Her favourite things in life include writing stories, vintage clothing, dark cabaret music, food, musical comedy, and of course, books.

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