New Release + Review + Excerpt: PSU: Season Two | Episode One by Kandi Steiner

AH! It feels good to be back! Things are already starting to get crazy at PSU and I am beyond excited to see where Kandi takes us this season! Check out more about this awesome New Adult serial and read Tina’s Thoughts and an excerpt from the first episode of season 2!

PSU Season 2 CoverPalm South University: Season Two | Episode One
Kandi Steiner
Release Date: March 8, 2016
Genre: New Adult Serial

Drama. Lies. Sex.

Welcome to Palm South University.

The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in South Florida. At a school where fraternities and sororities don’t exactly play by the rules, relationships are bound to be tested. Parties and sex are definitely key ingredients in the Palm South recipe, but what happens when family issues, secret lives, and unrequited love get tossed in the mix?

Follow Cassie, Bear, Jess, Skyler, Erin, Ashlei, and Adam as they tackle college at a small, private beach town university. Written in television drama form, each episode of this serial will pull you deeper and deeper into the world of PSU.

Where the sun is hot and the clothes are scarce, anything can happen.

Untitled design (3)You can grab your copy of Palm South University: Season Two | Episode One today on AmazonUntitled design (3)

tina thoughts a review for you

It feels good to be back! Kandi Steiner has dropped us smack dab back into PSU territory and what a glorious return it is. Everything you want from the series is presented in the very first episode. The passion, the lust, the lies, and the relationships are all on full display. And the shocking reveals we learn in this episode are enough to leave you reeling. It was good to be back in the thick of things. I loved all the new characters we meet, especially a man-bunned hottie, and I am so excited to see where things go from here. As I read this first installment, I felt like Kandi stepped up her game and delivered. The writing is incredible and the story is fun and flirty, with an edge of something more to come. I am dying to know what happens, especially after that doozy of a reveal in the end. Mark your calendars people because Tuesdays have just become one of my favorite days of the week!

 excerpt alert“Kind of presumptuous, don’t you think?” She asks, but her eyes are already undressing me.



I shrug. “On whether you let me take you back to my room or not.”

She stares at the hand I’m now holding out toward her, seemingly debating her options. She could easily walk away, find one of her girlfriends and leave the party without so much as another word. But the way she’s chewing her lip tells me that’s not exactly the plan she has in mind.

“I’m only going back with you on one condition.”

I wait, hand still outstretched as she narrows her eyes.

“I want two orgasms tonight. And not the kind I fake, the kind I can’t hold back with. The kind that make my legs sore in the morning.”

My teeth find my bottom lip, fighting back a smile. Who the hell is this girl and where has she been hiding?

“I’ll give you three.”


Kandi Steiner is a Creative Writing and Advertising/Public Relations graduate from the University of Central Florida living in Tampa with her husband. Kandi works full time as a social media specialist, but also works part time as a Zumba fitness instructor and blackjack dealer.

Kandi started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic (like most girls brought up on Disney movies).

When Kandi isn’t working or writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys beach days, movie marathons, live music, craft beer and sweet wine – not necessarily in that order.