New Release + Review: REDEMPTIVE (Combative #2) by Jay McLean

redemptive-fb-cover-available-nowI don’t think I was prepared for the emotional punch Jay McLean had planned in this book, but what an eye opening story it was! Redemptive is a fantastic backstory for Bailey and explains her daily reality and the struggles she endures. This book will leave you reeling with the emotion of her story. The Combative Trilogy is getting even better. Check out more about this new release and make sure to grab your copy today!

Redemptive E-bookRedemptive
Combative #2
Jay McLean
Release Day: March 8, 2016

It’s said that your life flashes before your eyes when you die.
It must only happen to those whose lives were worthy.
Clearly, mine was not.
The only thing that happened to me was a repeat of what I thought was my death.
The blast of the gun as it went off.
The loss of my breath as two hundred pounds of dead weight dropped on top of me.
And then darkness.
This replayed over and over.
When the guy squatted down next to me and asked if I was hurt, the only thing I could see, feel,
hear, were those few seconds.
Even now, as I sat in the back of a blacked out van—it was the only thing that ran through my mind.
Gunshot, breath, darkness.

Untitled design (3)You can grab your copy of Redemptive today at the retailers listed below!

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tina thoughts a review for youWhen I finished Redemptive, I was stunned. I don’t know what I was expecting from this book, but what I read was not what I saw coming. In Combative we meet a shy and troubled young woman and you don’t understand the extent of pain from her past and what happened until you read this book. It is shocking and mesmerizing to see both her strength in the chaos and the sadness in her existence in this story. The book starts off leading the reader straight into the thick of things, dropped hard into a world of lies and death. We see Bailey struggling to survive and her unlikely savior, Nate. This book has so much happening; it was a bit much to take in. Jay takes every single theme and emotion and creates a story that is heartbreaking and troubling. You leave with a better understanding of who Bailey is and why she reacts and functions the way she does in the present day.

When the story begins to unfold, I was nervous of the direction the story would lead. Bailey is in a tough situation and it only gets harder. Lines are blurred and reality becomes skewed. Redemptive is a high adrenaline story of the fight or flight mentality. Bailey, Nate, and Tiny are bound together in a world of chaos and danger, always waiting for the next shoe to drop. As you read this story, you are constantly wondering what will happen next and who will survive the fall out.

This book is told in both Bailey and Nate’s POVs. This presentation allows the reader to truly begin to understand the extent of emotion involved and the dependency they have on one another. Some dependency is obvious, whereas others grow and lurk beneath a warped reality. I am dying to know what happens in the third book of the trilogy. I would recommend reading Combative before starting this new release. Even if you have read it already, re-reading the story will bring everything you learn in Redemptive into sharp focus with what is happening in present day. Jay is a genius and her story is raw and dark. It seems like quite a venture from what I know from her writing, but it is beautifully done and adds great depth and  purpose to the Combative Trilogy!


Combative, the first book in the trilogy, is on sale for only 99 cents. You will need to read this book first in the series! Don’t miss out on this deal.

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CombativeWe all play victims to our pasts; to the choices we make and the lives we create.
They define who we are.
And sometimes if we’re lucky enough, the past stays where it belongs: in the past.
I’m not one of the lucky ones.
I never have been.
Because now the past is knocking on my door, offering deals I have no choice but to take… deals that will help bring justice—not just for me, but for my brothers.

The problem?
The deal is a ticking time bomb.
One I didn’t know existed.



Bio_picJay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult Romance, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, playing house and binge watching Netflix. She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.
Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in a forever half-done home where music is loud and laughter is louder.

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