New Release + Review + Giveaway: MOORE TO LOVE by Faith Andrews

MTLbanner1If you are looking for a refreshingly uplifting and beautiful story of love, you need to read this book! Moore to Love is a fantastic new release from Faith Andrews, a story you will not want to miss. Check out more about this new release and grab your copy today! Don’t miss this one!

More to Love coverMoore to Love 
Faith Andrews
Genre: Contemporary
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Release Date: July 18, 2016

I used to imagine that life would be easier, more enjoyable, if I were tall, blond, and supermodel thin. But real life—like the average, every day woman—is full of curves and imperfections, and many opportunities to learn that it’s not the number on the scale that measures the capacity of your heart.

After years of struggling with poor self esteem and too many crash diets to count, I finally got wise—and hired a trainer. With an enthusiastic push from my brother’s fiancé and more motivation than a Joel Osteen sermon, I, Madeline “Leni” Moore, am ready to ditch the oh-woe-is-me act.

That is, until I smack head-on into a tree and collide with him. Lane Sheffield is the guy you drool over from afar. One look at him the first day on the runner’s track, and my panties are up in flames. He’s out of my league. Slim, sleek, and athletic to my plump, dull, and unfit. Lane has no reason to like me, but to my utter shock . . . he does and this newfound attention from the opposite sex has me all sorts of baffled.

What starts out as a healthy journey to lose some of the extra me, turns into a quest to find my true self. Will the need to fit in and finally have someone to call my own lead me to my weight loss goal or my happiness goal? I’ve focused so long on being skinny, what will it take for me to learn the ultimate lesson—that beauty is only skin deep?

Moore to Love teaser

Untitled design (3)You can grab your copy of Moore to Love today from the retailers listed below! It is available for only 99 CENTS for a special release day price. This sale will only last a few days so don’t miss it!

Amazon Barnes&Noble | Kobo Untitled design (3)

tina thoughts a review for you

I struggle with where to begin in my thoughts about this book. I applaud Faith Andrews in her bravery with this story. This subject matter is not easy to write about. There is a fine line between what is right and wrong as well as what is acceptable and unacceptable in society. Moore to Love shares the journey of a young woman who has struggled with her weight and self-confidence the majority of her life. In society today, there is so much more talk about body shaming and what a woman should look like. Trying to find out where you are on the spectrum is a challenge and I loved how this story shows the ups and downs of a young woman’s journey.

Leni is a brilliant character. Anyone who has struggled with their weight or body image can relate to this woman. She has so much going for her but she cannot see past the lies and hurtful words of her past and society as a whole. I love that this story is not about one woman’s physical transformation from caterpillar to beautiful butterfly. Instead it is about finding who you are and embracing the self-confidence to be that person unapologetically no matter the outer physique. Leni goes through so much in this book. There are victories and losses. She learns to love herself and things begin to fall into place. She finds confidence in who she is by allowing truth and new situations to change her perception. This is a love story but perhaps not what you are expecting. It is a self-love story, learning to love who you are and letting the haters fall away.

Leni and Lane are brilliant together. They compliment in ways that were different for romance stories today. I loved their slow burn story and cheered them on continuously. Their sweet moments are rivaled by their passionate ones. They both have stories to tell and when the truth comes out, it changes everything.

Faith did a fabulous job sharing a story about love in its many forms. There is love of self, familial love, deep friendship, and romance. Leni is a woman that you grow to love and admire as the story progresses. This book is yet another story that the world needs to read!

Moore to Love Teaser 4 copy

ABOUT THE AUTHORFaith Andrews is living out her dream right outside the greatest city in the world, New York City. Happily married to her high school sweetheart, she is the mother of two beautiful and wild daughters, and a furry Yorkie son named Rocco Giovanni. When she’s not tapping her toes to a Mumford & Sons tune or busy being a dance mom, her nose is stuck in a book or she’s sitting behind the laptop, creating her next swoon worthy book boyfriend. Coffee addict, lover of wine and cheese, and sucker for concerts and Netflix, Faith believes in love at first sight and happily ever after.

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