Friday Favorites: All of You (Between Breaths #1) by Christina Lee

Tressa at Tressa’s Wishful Endings hosts Friday Favorites and we thrilled to join her.  You can check out her Friday Favorite here. Today our favorite is All of You (Between Breaths #1) by Christina Lee.  Christina Lee set such a high standard for her first book! We found it by chance and became obsessed. It is a great book and an even greater start to the Between Breaths series. I love the stereotype reversals in this story and the relationship between[Read more]

Friday Favorites: The Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth Hunter

Tressa at Tressa’s Wishful Endings hosts Friday Favorites and we thrilled to join her.  You can check out her Friday Favorite here. Today our favorite is The Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth Hunter. I enjoy Elizabeth’s writing immensely. I have read every book she has written and loved them all. Today I am going to highlight The Scribe, the first book in her newest series. There is something about the ancient races and good versus evil that draws me in[Read more]

Friday Favorite: Vain (The Seven Deadly #1) by Fisher Amelie

This Friday at Typical Distractions we are sharing one of our ALL TIME favorite books.  Seriously, we have both read this book so many times it is embarrassing. Vain by Fisher Amelie is everything Tina and I adore.  International setting (and it’s Africa, where we both have spent time and adore), restoration, hope, boys with accents, and African kids (who we love). This book is crazy amazing.  It holds a special place in my heart because my degree in college[Read more]