Monday Funday #7

MondayAs much as I love books, I am obsessed with so many other things. I love music, movies, fashion, pop culture, painting, art, etc. So once a week, I am going to take a break from books and share some random fun things in honor of Monday Funday! Take a look at a few of my favorite things and leave a comment to tell us what you love! Without further ado, I give you something random and awesome!

Untitled design (3)It is another day closer to Christmas and the New Year! I am excited for some time off to enjoy to holidays with family and friends! This past week I discovered something pretty amazing, at least on my scale of awesome. I was looking at BuzzFeed’s videos and came across this incredible mash up of music videos and songs form 2014. It blew me away and I have watched it so many times. DJ Earworm has apparently been doing this for a while. Eh, I am on the slow side of coming into this awesome place, but I am excited to have found these videos! Check out the mash up for the end of 2014 and I dare you not to be impressed. It is incredible.

Side note- If you want to have a look, DJ Earworm has work all the way back to 2007, both end of the year and summer, as well as other mash ups, on YouTube. Hope you have all your Christmas shopping done and are ready for the holidays ahead! Have a  great week!